From the Computarium Crew | back |
For each author, the most recent item is on the top of
the list.
ASSELBORN, Jean-Claude (+ 2011) |
ZUSE et l'invention de l'ordinateur ZUSE et la racine carrée (Zuse and the computing of the square root) |
presentation for the Computarium, Diekirch, 26 Oct. 2010. In French. Supplementary part showing the solution of the square root by Zuse. |
ASSELBORN, Jean-Claude (+ 2011) | L'art du secret: Part 1, Part 2, Part 3 (unfinished) | 3 first parts
of a 5 part lecture series prepared by Jean-Claude
Asselborn. These conferences could not be held due to his illness. Powerpoint. Mixed French and English. |
BAUMANN, Claude |
Playing with the
Square-Root, a practical study. (version 1.6b. 12th Aug 2024) Watch also this short movie by Francis Massen on his vintage method to calculate the square root by pencil and paper. |
Our never
sleeping member Claude has written a very interesting 54 pages report on the calculation of the square-root, including a new algorithm uniquely based on
multiplications. This is heavy stuff, not for the faint of heart, but well worth the time spent. Update to version 1.6b, with additions on Rafael Bombellis (16th century) two methods, one being (what a coincidence!) the method shown in the short movie of Francis Massen.. |
BAUMANN Claude, MASSEN Francis |
a collection of vintage AP1142's to autonomous function with WPA2
authentification (December 2024) |
A 17-page report on a restoration that works. Old Cisco wireless AP's (used in the LCD) were salvaged from being dumped, and reflashed to work in autonomous manner. This is a preliminary version. |
BAUMANN Claude, MASSEN Francis HP65_anniversary conference and project. |
HP65_anniversary.pdf Der Personal Computer wird 50 |
Presentation given at the "HP65 50 years birthday"
held the 26 Jun 2024 at the Lycée classique Diekirch conference. The holds hp65_107.exe, which is the debugged version correcting a fault in version 105 (still in A small history of the development of the HP65, in German (PDF) |
(co-author Francis MASSEN) |
Python Compiler for the
HP-65 calculator (version 1.3 of 22 March 2024) LilliPython EXECUTABLE and SOURCE code (version 1.34) with examples in .zip folder. A 50th HP- 65 anniversary project! |
This is a huge
54 pages report on the creation of an original Python compiler for
the 50 years old HP-65, the first programmable hand-held scientific
calculator of the world. Recursive routines using the Labview programming
environment are created to produce a virtual instrument (VI) allowing to
input simple Python programs to create the HP-65 specific routines. The
report is divided into 2 parts: Part I : Recursive expression evaluator Part II: Recursive cross-compiler The LilliPYTHON package contains the application LilliPYTHON1.34.exe, using the free Labview Run-Time package (not included, must download version 2021 SP1 32 bit which needs Win10).; the full Labview source code is in a separate folder. Claude Baumann has created here a practically world-unique software package, using his extensive skills of Labview and recursive programming. |
BAUMANN Claude | Development of a Labview G-Code generation program for 2.5D CNC contour offset toolpaths (version 1.0 31 October 2023) | A very
complicated and long report, with original program code developed by
C.Baumann to solve tool path problems when using a CNC (drill or laser)
machine. |
BAUMANN Claude | Lab report on the PIC signal generator (version 1.0, 05 December 2022) | A report on the
construction of a very small battery-powered signal generator, to be used in
a demo of the HP16500A logic analyzer. |
(co-author Francis MASSEN) |
Lab report of the TTY converter (version 1.1, 02 November 2022)) | A very extensive, complete and long report on the design, creation and programming of the TTY/USB converter for communicating between a vintage ASR-32 TELEX and a PC. This is heavy PIC and Labview stuff! |
BAUMANN, Claude | Bringing back to life a COLINBUS Profiler CNC_Router (29 Mar 2021) | A very
extensive 62-pages report of the restoration of a Colinbus CNC profiler, an
heritage of our late member
This is as a major research project by Computarium
member Claude Baumann and also an original endeavor to combine modern
stepper motor drivers, Arduino and self- developed electronic interface to
revive a dead machine (which many would have thought being unsalvageable)
which was sold in 2009 by the
Elektor magazine as a kit. 46 pictures or schemata. |
BAUMANN, Claude (co-authors Chris ROGERS, Francis MASSEN)
binaural sound localization based on variations of interaural time delays
and system rotations
(JASA, 138 (2), Aug. 2015) |
Claude Baumann,
a Computarium crew member, has published an outstanding paper in JASA, the
Journal of the Acoustical Society of America. The co-authors are Chris
Rogers (Tuft University, USA) and Francis Massen (Computarium). The paper gives new insights on how to locate a sound source in space, using calculations performed on the interaural delay-time. The PDF is here. [Copyright 2015 Acoustical Society of America. This article may be downloaded for personal use only. Any other use requires prior permission of the author and the Acoustical Society of America. The following article appeared in JASA, vol. 138 (2), August 2015 and may be found at DOI: 10.1121/1.4923448 ] |
BAUMANN, Claude | EUREKA! Problem Solving with LEGO Robotics (2013) | 500 page book
written by Claude Baumann and published by NTS (National Technology and
Science Press) in 2013. ISBN 978-1934891-13-1. Click for a view of the cover and back |
BAUMANN, Claude |
Square-root revisited,
PDF version (13 June 2010) |
A discussion on the Toepler algorithm, with examples in 16-bit assembler and 32 bit Labview code. |
BAUMANN, Claude | Das Kalman Filter wird 50 (18 March 2010) | Article in the
Luxemburger Wort (18 March 2010); co-author Francis Massen. PDF. In German |
MASSEN, Francis |
Repairing a Burroughs Class 5 calculator from 1925 (03-Nov-2023) |
A short report on the restoration of a vintage key punched calculator from 1925. |
MASSEN, Francis | Le Computarium du LCD (2021) | Article (in French) published in the 2021 year-book (Millésime 2022) of the Lycée classique Dikrich, home of the Computarium. It is a short history of the Computarium. |
MASSEN, Francis | Handling Vintage Media (11-Dec-2021) | This is the updated version of the original paper from 2013. It contains now two chapters: how to handle ATARI diskettes, and how to use Motorola EXORset30 XDOS disks |
MASSEN, Francis |
Analog Computers
(.ppt) (pdf version) (28-Apr-2017)
Conference at the LCD held the 28th April 2017. Link to the Powerpoint presentation covering mechanical and electronic analog computers and calculators. Click here for the flyer. |
Francis Massen
last edited: 3 Dec 2024