This is the website of the Computarium collection of historic computing machinery.

The following items are on-line:

The virtual COMPUTARIUM The virtual museum shows a very large subset of the collection.

In French! (but easy to understand by English speaking people)
Albums of Computarium machines    Links to albums of  machines, restauration work and other activities
Historic Computing Links   Huge collection of links to web sites
Library of the Computarium   Books, PDF's, DVD's and movies that can be read/watched at the Computarium or online.
Literature (papers, videos, movies...)   Links to books, papers, articles. and videos
The Computarium in the media   Links to  radio, TV and written text about or with  the Computarium
Obituaries   A remembrance of our members and helpers who passed away.




The name "Computarium" was proposed by our late colleague Jean Kerger, a latin specialist extraordinaire. The name should suggest computers and computing, the latter being the action to manipulate numbers and information by hand, machinery or other special devices.

last edit  18 Jun 2021