Library: MOVIES (click here for books, PDF's and DVD's)


The mp4 files are conversions from the original YOUTUBE files made using


1. Movies from Computarium members, LCD students and Luxembourg public broadcasting
2. Movies from Museums and other Institutions


1. MOVIES from COMPUTARIUM members, LCD students and Luxembourg public broadcasting.
YouTube How I learned to calculate the square root by pencil and paper Video (8:0)
By Francis Massen.
YouTube A restored MERCEDES-EUKLID Mod.30 (Stopdivision variant) makes a stopdivision Video (7:08 ) showing the stopdivision in action when calculating 355/113
By Francis Massen
YouTube Restored Burroughs Class1 (or maybe Class2) heavy printing calculator from ca. 1926 works again after possibly 80 years of resting. Video (8:18 ) (no frills, quick and dirty)
By Francis Massen
YouTube A Burroughs Class 5 keypunch calculator from 1925 works again. Video (3:43 ) showing how the carry runs from right to left.
By Francis Massen
YouTube Two Burroughs P-machines from 195x Video (5:11) showing two restored Burroughs portable calculators from 1953 and 1954 (a hand driven and an electro-mechanical model). On the latter a quick test to check correct operation is shown.
By Francis Massen
YouTube A TI-30 works again Video (1:59) showing a restored TI-30 donated by E. Lacoste to the Computarium, running again..
By Francis Massen.
YouTube ASR-32 vintage TTY Telex (1963) reads "Die Glocke" Video (3:06) showing the restored ASR-32 Telex from TTY Corp. reading a tape with the first lines of Schiller's "Die Glocke" poem, and sending the text to a laptop, via a Baudot to RS232 interface built by C. Baumann.
By Francis Massen (link updated 30Nov2023)
YouTube Short division on a Mercedes-Euklid M21
electromechanical calculator from 1939
Video (5:01) showing how to make a short division ("Kurz-Division") on a Mercedes-Euklid M21 electromechanical calculator from 1939.
By Francis Massen.(link updated 30Nov2023)
YouTube New Years 2021 greetings
Video (6:58) of greetings made using vintage Compaq Deskpro50m, HP plotter 7475A and Sony MZ-1 minidisc player.
By Francis Massen.
YouTube Minitel1 plays original videotex pages, and others
Video (3:13) of a vintage 1986 Minitel 1 (by Telic Alcatel) playing back original Minitel videotex pages and new ones made with Christian Quest's online "miedit" editor.
By Francis Massen.
YouTube DUFFING chaotic oscillator
Video (7:20) of the simulation of a simple electronic circuit which goes into chaotic behavior with very small changes of an input parameter. The results are shown using the Multisim simulator with a virtual oscilloscope. By Francis Massen.(new version with improved audio).
YouTube HELIOS calculator using the adaptive segment mechanism
Video (2:21) showing how the segment rises out and is retracted again into the rotating cylinder of this rare mechanical calculator (made at the Italian island of Elba!). By Francis Massen.
YouTube Creating SSSD  Osborne CPM disks
Video (7:26 minutes) on how to do create Osborne CP/M diskettes from Single-Side-Single_Density images , using Teledisk.
By Francis Massen.
YouTube Strange multiplication on the Everest Multarapid calculator
Video (5:58 minutes) on how to do multiplication using the dial wheel of that vintage Italian calculator from 1958. By Francis Massen.
YouTube Two videos of a restored vintage line-tracking robot, the MOVIT 913B (2016) Video 1 (easy track, 1.35 minutes), video 2 (complicated track, 2.49 minutes). By Francis Massen.
YouTube The Heathkit EC-1 analog computer (2016) Video (6 minutes) on the operation of this restored vacuum valves driven analog computer from 1960, outputting to an XY Heathkit plotter from 1980. By Francis Massen.
YouTube Solving the differential equation of a damped oscillator using a vintage analog AMF665D computer
A step by step instruction how to use this 1970 analog computer to solve a classical 2nd order differential equation. By Francis Massen.
video (8 minutes)


COMPUTARIUM, Eng Reportage
A small team of students of the "Option Audiovisuel" of the Lycée classique Diekirch (LCD) made a reportage on the Computarium during the last term of school year 2013/14.
video (5 minutes)
YouTube HAMANN Automat S
Division on the Hamann Automat S electromechanical calculator from 1954. By Francis Massen.
video (2 minutes)
YouTube Calculations with the FACIT ESA0
Calculations on the electromechanical FACIT ESA0 calculator from 1953. By Francis Massen.
part 1  part 2  part 3 (every part less than 3 minutes)
YouTube A VALIANT Logo Turtle from 1982 comes back to life (2014). A LOGO turtle used with the BBC micro computer executes Logo commands. By Francis Massen.
video (2 minutes)
YouTube COMPUTARIUM: A repaired bubble jet BJ300
A CANON BJ300 bubble jet printer from 1991 prints out.
By Francis Massen.
video (2 minutes)
YouTube A vintage NISA PK5's jumping division (2013). Division on an electromechanical Nisa PK5 calculator from 1965. By Francis Massen.
video (5 minutes). See also here.
YouTube Dancing Compurobot II (2012) A very primitive robot from the 1980's executes some preprogrammed dance. By Francis Massen.
video (3 minutes)
YouTube ZX81 vintage computer printing out (2012) A Sinclair ZX81 computer from 1981 prints on a diminutive spark printer. By Francis Massen.
video (2 minutes)
YouTube TTY ASR-33 on OSI 500 computer (2012) A restored TTY ASR-33 drives a single board OSI computer from 1978. By Francis MASSEN.
video (2 minutes). See also here and here.
YouTube HEATHKIT EUW-20A chart recorder (2012) A beautiful 1967 chart recorder from Heathkit comes back to life. By Francs Massen.
video (1 minute)
YouTube HEATHKIT multi-speed chart recorders (2012) Two vintage 1971 chart recorders from Heathkit are plotting a sine wave. By Francis Massen.
video (2 minutes)
YouTube HEATHKIT equipment in action (2012) An audio-generator's signal goes through a prescaler, is counted by a frequency counter and the amplitude measured by a digital multimeter.
All equipment from Heathkit:
Audio-generator (1962): IG-702
Frequency prescaler (1971): IB-102
Frequency counter (1973): IB-1103
Multimeter (1971): IM-102
By Francis Massen
video (2 minutes)
YouTube A vintage NORISAN violet wand (2013) A German violet wand from 1931 has been repaired and is back to life. By Francis Massen.
video (3 minutes)
YouTube A vintage MBLE FM tuner and amplifier A MBLE kit from 1964 of valve-based tuner and amplifier from the Belgian company MBLE is back to life.
By Francis Massen.
video (2 minutes)
2. MOVIES from Museums and other Institutions
ULMANN Bernd Ulmann's Analogrechner

und Interview durch Michael Holzheu

3 parts video suite (in German) of Prof. Bernd ULMANN's analog computers, with presentations and how to use them:

Part 1: Museum (39 min.), Part 2: Hello World (15 min.), Part 3: interview by Michael Holzheu (22 min.)

ULMANN Analogrechnerprogrammierung Presentation by Prof. Bernd ULMANN at the the VCFB (Vintage Computer Festival Berlin) 2015 (88 minutes).
Original CCC-TV link. Copy at the Computarium library.
ULMANN Analogrechner im 21ten Jahrhundert Keynote speech by Prof. Bernd ULMANN at the VCFB (Vintage Computer Festival Berlin) 2015 (14 minutes)
Original CCC-TV link. Copy at the Computarium library.
HISTORY Channel Quando Olivetti invento il PC
A history of Olivetti's Programma 101, the first desktop computer in the world (1965). Many scenes shot at the Technologic@mente Museum in Ivrea. Italian spoken.

video (YouTube, 53 minutes)
Computer Pioneers - Pioneer Computers   (1996)

 part 1 (YouTube, 53 minutes) 
 part 2 (YouTube, 54 minutes)
The Atanasoff-Berry Computer in Operation video (YouTube, 12 minutes)

The EDSAC Replication Project 1.  The Replication Project (mp4, 659 MB, 55 minutes)
2.   Recreation overview (mp4, 119 MB)
3.   Meet the trustees (mp4, 125 MB)
4.   First volunteers meeting (mp4, 390 MB
5.   Computer Organization and Architecture (mp4, 12 MB)
6.   Replication start (mp4, 17 MB)
7.   EDSAC chassis (mp4, 119 MB)
8.   EDSAC mercury delay lines (mp4, 58 MB)
9.   EDSAC add 4 numbers (mp4, 3 MB)
10. EDSA - OXO (mp4, 10 MB)
Cold War Computing - The SAGE System (195x)

The SAGE (Semi-Automatic Ground Environment) System, was designed and built in the 1950s to defend against the threat of Soviet bombers attacking the continental United States.

YouTube, 23 minutes

The Secret History of Silicon Valley

World War II, the Cold War and one Stanford professor set the stage for the creation and explosive growth of entrepreneurship in Silicon Valley

YouTube, 62 minutes

The Computer CSIRAC (1965)

Australia's first computer from 1948 (now on display at Melbourne Museum)

part 1 (YouTube, 8 minutes)
part 2 (YouTube, 6 minutes)

The lost 1984 video: young Steve Jobs introduces the MacIntosh YouTube, 8 minutes
Computers at NASA (1960) YouTube, 19 minutes
Moon Machines: Apollo Guidance Computer part 1 (YouTube, 15 minutes)
part 2 (YouTube, 14 minutes)
part 3 (YouTube, 15 minutes)
Computer for Apollo
An M.I.T. report from the 1960's on the Apollo guidance computer and its construction.
(YouTube, 28 minutes
Triumph of the Nerds (1996) The story of the personal computer
part 1 (YouTube, 60 minutes)
part 2 (YouTube, 60 minutes)
part 3 (YouTube, 50 minutes)
Mechanical Computers (1953)
Basic mechanisms in fire control computers.
A 1953 training film for a mechanical fire control computer aboard Navy Ships. Explanations of mechanical summers, differentials, gears and much more.

(YouTube, 41 minutes)

How the CURTA works (2013) A video showing exploded inner workings of the Curta I calculator, and details of carry, 9th complement subtraction and other clever features.
Look also here.

(YouTube, 13 minutes)






last edit: 08 Jul 2024
