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  DSC07750.JPG - Actually the whole circuit holds only two coils in series: the small green coil of the vibrator and a big coil beneath the bakelite cover (overall R = approx. 150 Ohm). The screws marked + and - go to the ends of the big coil. When the power is brutally cut off, a high voltage spike is induced (remember dU = L*di/dt ?), and this high voltage should be (or was believed to be) the cure for any illness. P and S are two positions for lower and greater intensiitiy.  

Actually the whole circuit holds only two coils in series: the small green coil of the vibrator and a big coil beneath the bakelite cover (overall R = approx. 150 Ohm). The screws marked + and - go to the ends of the big coil. When the power is brutally cut off, a high voltage spike is induced (remember dU = L*di/dt ?), and this high voltage should be (or was believed to be) the cure for any illness. P and S are two positions for lower and greater intensiitiy. Download
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